Make Your Own Blend of Tea!
Select a Base:
White, Green, Black, or Herbal
Large Pouch (25 - 30 cups)
Suggested Tea Bases:
Sweet Peony, Hyson (Lucky Dragon), Jasmine, Irish Breakfast,
Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe, Lavender, or Peppermint
Empty your large tea pouch (base) into a bowl; either stainless steel, glass, or ceramic.
Then select one or several small pouches; with a stainless steel spoon mix, all the teas gently until well blended.
Need some inspiration? See blend ideas below.
Tip - always add a little of the teas from your small pouches to your base at a time; steeping a sample to taste until you have created the perfect blend!
Blend Ideas
White Tea Base
One large pouch of white tea + selection
of small pouches.
Sweet Peony + Berries
Sweet Peony + Lavender + Rose Petals
Sweet Peony + Cranberry Apple
Sweet Peony + Mango (green tea)
Tangerine (white tea) + Earl Grey (black tea)
Sweet Peony + Licorice
Sweet Peony + Hibiscus
Herbal Tea Base
One Large pouch of Lavender or Peppermint
+ selection of small pouches or combination
of 3 or more small pouches.​
Lavender + Chamomile
Lavender & Butterfly Pea Flower
Lavender + Chamomile + Peppermint
Peppermint + Ginger
Peppermint + Licorice
Ginger + Turmeric + Cinnamon Chip
Hibiscus + Lemon Balm + Berries + Orange Peel
Lemongrass + Peppermint
Red Raspberry Leaf + Nettles + Hibiscus + Orange Peel
Orange Peel + Cinnamon Chips + Ginger
Rooibos + Chamomile + Passion Flower + Rose Petal
Green Tea Base
One Large pouch of Hyson (lucky dragon)
or Jasmine tea + selection of small pouches.
Hyson + Ginger + Peppermint
Hyson + Lemon Ginger
Jasmine + Rose Petals
Jasmine + lemongrass
Jasmine + Peppermint
Jasmine + Orange Peel + Lavender
Black Tea Base
One Large pouch of Irish Breakfast, Orange Pekoe
or Earl Grey tea + selection of small pouches.
Earl Grey + Lavender
Irish Breakfast + Cinnamon Chips
Orange Pekoe + Orange Peel
Earl Grey + Cranberry Apple
Irish Breakfast + Orange Pekoe
Orange Pekoe + Orange Peel +
Cinnamon Chips
Earl Grey + Rose Petals